What’s going on?!?

Market Commentary

What’s going on?!?

“All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence, and then success is sure.”” Mark Twain Many investment markets are now at a loss this year. And many are at a loss to explain why. The below chart plots the returns year-to-date through October 27th of the SP500 (orange line), International Stocks (white line), US


Artificial Intelligence (AI): what it is, where it is, and what we’re doing about it

*Our firm’s AI Market Commentary dated as of 8/19/2023 has been updated with an important footnote because, without additional clarifying information, it can be interpreted as stating that we are using AI more extensively and more directly for investment selection than we intended to represent. Our AI Market Commentary previously stated that, “We are also


Whatever It Takes

Dylan B. Minor PhD, MSBA, CFP®, ChFC, CLU Chief Strategist and CIO These are forceful and huge steps. The Fed is doing whatever it takes. Mark Sobel, former U.S. Treasury official In this note, I provide an update on financial markets and the economy, an overview of some of the important features of the new