Dylan Minor

Dylan Minor

As Chief Strategist and CIO at Omega, Dylan has the role of overseeing the management of client assets and financial strategies. He works closely with Omega’s advisors to help create client financial strategies based on clients’ own unique needs and goals.

Post Election: what should we do now?

“Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others that have been tried.” Winston Churchill Last month handed us an end to a nail-biting finish to the 47th Presidential and 119th Congressional election. The good news is…

Post Election: what should we do now?

“Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others that have been tried.” Winston Churchill Last month handed us an end to a nail-biting finish to the 47th Presidential and 119th Congressional election. The good news is…

Bad News, Good News, and Some Terribly Good News

Bad News, Good News, and Some Terribly Good News

New financial index developed by Santa Barbara-based firm and UCLA Professor integrates financial and ESG factors to select US stocks that outperform the broad market while creating positive social change. “The bad news is nothing lasts forever, The good news…

Back to School: Using Academia to Unlock Financial Success

In an era of technological disruptions and evolving global dynamics, academia continues to play an indispensable role in guiding the financial and investment industries towards responsible, sustainable, and successful outcomes After recently dropping my daughter off at college, I was…

What's Going On??

What’s going on?!?

“All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence, and then success is sure.”” Mark Twain Many investment markets are now at a loss this year. And many are at a loss to explain why. The below chart plots…